Your excellent description of quantum decoherence and dissipation highlights a fundamental conflict between quantum mechanics’ underlying assumptions and empirical facts. The Hamiltonian conceptual framework (HCF), which underlies quantum mechanics, cannot accommodate physical randomness. The Lindblad formulation attributes randomness and dissipation to uncertainties of environmental interactions, but the HCF asserts that the system, observer, and environment all evolve strictly deterministically. Why? Because the HCF rejects heat and thermal fluctuations as fundamental. Absolute zero temperature can be approached, but never reached. The HCF rejects empirically validated quantum randomness as physical fact, based solely by edict, on a physically impossible idealization.
My just-published paper presents a fresh take on information and the physics of transitions. During a transition between definite states, the system does not exist as a state at all, and it is open to dissipation and random instantiation of new states. It provides a radically straightforward description of states, time, and change in which dissipation and randomness are physical properties of transitions.